Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Bucket Lid Seat Cushion

This year for Trek all participants have been asked to provide their own 5 gallon bucket with a lid.  This bucket will need to hold all your personal items for the 3 days and 2 nights (with the exception of your sleeping bag and pillow), AND will serve as your chair when you need one.  

Please note: these cushions are meant to be low budget, quick to put together, and are meant to last you the 3 days and 2 nights of Trek.  If you would like your cushion to last longer, you will need to modify your materials.  Never the less, this is a quick introduction on how to upholster a seat cushion, a skill you may enjoy for future DIY projects.  

Follow these instructions to create your own seat cushion for the lid of your bucket.  

Materials needed:
  • 2 inch high density foam- cut to a 11" diameter circle (I used a large dinner plate as a template)
  • Cardboard or foam core board- cut to an 11" diameter circle (same size as the foam)
  • Fabric of choice- at least 15" by 15" square
  • Duct Tape
  • Button, strong string, large darning needle for tufting (optional)
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • marker
  • screw (to make the hole for tufting) optional
  • 3-4" stick, Popsicle stick or stick from outside (used to reinforce the tufting) optional
Step 1- Begin
  1. Place your fabric flat on your work surface wrong side up.
  2. Place your foam in the center of the fabric.
  3. Place your cardboard on top of your foam.

Step 2 - Wrap
  1. Wrap the foam and board like a present, pulling the fabric as tight as possible, using small strips of duct tape to secure the fabric.

Step 3 -Secure
  1. Using larger strips of duct tape, tape over all the small pieces to be sure it is secure, and to give it a more finished look.
  2. If you aren't tufting your cushion with a button, you are now finished.  Go to step 5.

Step 4 - Tuft
  1. Using a screw, poke a hole in your board as close to the center as possible.  You may use a ruler to determine the exact center, or just eyeball it.
  2. Using strong string (I used a jute string) and a darning needle (or any large needle that isn't very sharp), poke through the hole on the back, through the foam, and through the fabric.
  3. Keep a long tail on the back for tying later.
  4. Thread the button on and then return the needle and thread back through the fabric, foam, and the hole on the back. (this was a little tricky, and required some patience)
  5. Tie once, pulling as tight as you can to pull the button and squish the foam. (You may need a helper for this step).
  6. Get the stick and place it on top of the first knot, and then tie again another 2 or 3 times.  The stick will help distribute the pull of the button so it wont pull through the foam.

Step 5 - Finish

Now your cushion is ready to be attached to your bucket lid.  I just used duct tape and taped it on, but I am sure that hot glue, or another type of adhesive will work also.

Another option to consider is to attach the cushion to the bottom of the lid, so you can close the lid and the cushion will be on the inside of your bucket.  When you want to sit on it, just flip the lid over.  Or, you can just not attach the cushion to the lid and place it in your bucket and pull it out when you need a cushion.

Enjoy your cushion and have a great time on Trek! 

Isaiah 2:3 -   And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

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